Tranny Fierce

Tranny Fierce
Deeper into the Spectrum

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Saturday... a day of rain and a day of light

So today is a brand new day for many reasons. First, if any of you actually read this, my boyfriend Jesse and I have decided to call it quits. We've been together for 2 years and in those 2 years have experienced monumental changes in our lives. When we first got together 2 life changing, tragic events happened and in the process of those events we clinged on to each other in a way that was needy and co-dependent. This co-dependency kept going and going, but in different forms of financially, mentally, and physically. Well after our 2 year Anniversary I started really thinking about love and being in love and having that passion that a couple should have. Though I love Jesse so much that I would take a bullet for him, give him all my worldly possesions, and never go very long without speaking to him, passion we did not have. We both need and deserve to have that and I feel we both are able to have that, just not with each other. It's really sad to be in this situation, but I feel so good that we both feel this and both will miss each other so much. He's a sweetheart and will make someone so happy in EVERY way some day. And if someone hurts him, they will feel the wrath of devil upon them! And that devil is Miss Darling!

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